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Let's paint together a world of freedom and acceptance through art.


martina cinotti, self-sabotage, 2022, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.jpeg
martina cinotti, self-sabotage, 2022, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.jpeg



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Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT



Marsicovetere, Potenza, 1994

She currently lives and works in Paterno, Basilicata


Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

"[…] Always satisfied and never full, not knowing where to stop, until the day, or rather the evening, when the music ceased, and the lights went out"

- The fall

Albert Camus

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

Rossella Barbante, a Brera Academy of Fine Arts graduate in Milan, investigates the human landscape, universally and individually understood as a place - non-place made up of layers, of evolutionary phases.

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

The use of different materials, layer upon layer, reveals the intention to analytically probe human existence in the new global phase, the Anthropocene, where man intervenes in an irreparable way with respect to the landscape - world.

Rossella Barbante creates works that convey a dramatic and sublime meaning, materially bringing back the inner world of mankind, now falsified by the artificiality that she has built in the new geological layer.

Thanks to the use of resin as a decisive layer, the artist allows the spectator to look at himself in the mirror and to confront both the surrounding landscape, the Anthropocene, and his own ego.

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT



Sublime Artificiale


The series started in 2020 reflects on the contemporary theme of image addiction. The artist thinks philosophically about the current situation considering two aspects: the aesthetic anesthesia and the spectacle of ugliness .

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

Rossella Barbante, Sublime artificiale 10, 2023, mixed technique on dibond with resin treatment, 40 x 30 cm

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT
Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT
Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

Rossella Barbante, Sublime artificiale 9, 2023, mixed technique on dibond with resin treatment, 70 x 50 cm

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Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT
Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT
Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

Rossella Barbante, Sublime artificiale 6, 2021, mixed technique on dibond with resin treatment, 150 x 100 cm

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT
Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

Rossella Barbante, Sublime Artificiale 5, 2021, mixed technique on dibond with resin treatment, 70 x 50 cm

Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT
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Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT

Rossella Barbante, Sublime artificiale 4, 2021, mixed technique on dibond with resin treatment, 70 x 50 cm

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Explore Rossella Barbante's Career and Artworks on AEMERGENT



2021 - Master Degree in Painting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, IT

2018 - Bachelor's Degree in Painting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, IT




- Mirabilis. East River - Collective exhibition, curated by Dany Vescovi and Marco Casentini, with the collaboration of Marco Cingolani, Alberto Mattia Martini and Alex Pinna, Milan, IT

- Boundary - Group show, Haidai Art Museum, curated by Song Shulin, Shandong University of finance and economics, China, CHN

- Mirabilis. Palazzo Meravigli - Collective exhibition, curated by Dany Vescovi and Marco Casentini, with the collaboration of Marco Cingolani, Alberto Mattia Martini and Alex Pinna, Milan, IT



- Presentation of works realised in residence Seravezza - Collective, curated by Andrea B. Del Guercio, Scuderie Granducali di Seravezza, IT

- Miasma - Collective Exhibition, Spazio Tiresia, curated by Elena Perugi and Chiara Franchi, Carrara, IT

- Transposizione dell'hearthing per Patern Lignum Mater Acque - Collective, curated by Rossella Barbante, IT

- Nonostante tutto - Collective exhibition, curated by Andrea B. Del Guercio and Pier Paolo Dinelli, Camaiore, IT



- SGUARDI: dall'interno dell'Accademia di Brera - Collective Exhibition, curated by Marco Casentini, Dany Vescovi, Andrea B. del Guercio, Lorenzelli Arte, Milan, IT



- Art Rights Prize (by Andrea Concas), 3d exhibition of finalists - Collective, designed by architect Andrea Isola and organised on the Lieu.city platform conceived by Deodato Salafia, Milan, IT

- La Rinascita - Collective exhibition, Fondazione Mazzoleni, Alzano Lombardo, IT

- Diciassette passi - Collective exhibition, curated by Renato Galbusera, Francesca Vitali Boldibini and Vincenzo Argentieri, P.ta Garibaldi railway link for the Underpass project, Milan, IT



- Performance The Milan Experiment - Collective, curated by Franco Ripa Di Meana, Sala delle Adunanze, Brera Palace, Milan, IT

- Racconto per Immagini - Collective, curated by Andrea B. Del guercio in collaboration with the Brera Academy and A.I.D.D. onlus, Teuliè Military Academy, Milan, IT

- 4awoman - Collective Exhibition, curated by Francesca Brambilla in collaboration with GruppoCenseo, Volume33, Milan, IT

- Collective Exhibition, curated by Looking for Art, Just Cavalli, Milan, IT

- Landscape, art show - Collective Exhibition, Roccart Gallery, Florence IT

- No shape movement - Bipersonal, curated by Looking for Art at Tirabasso art space, Milan, IT

- Brera for eArth, Collective Exhibition realised on the occasion of the Conference Symbolum, Terra, Mater Materia in Stettino, curated by Andrea Del Guercio and Diana DelMastro, Stettino, IT

- Group Exhibition, Art Mall space, Milan, IT



- CircleArt&PiadArt - Collective Exhibition, curated by Francesca Vitali and Renato Galbusera, Piadart, Milan, IT

- I luoghi dell'immaginario - Collective exhibition, Grand Visconti Palace, Milan.

- Memoria, când arta te capteazã. Spatiul critic. Distanta ca diferenta - Collective exhibition, curated by Guido Pertusi and Roberto Rosso, supervised by Ioan Sbarciu, Sala Mare in Casei Matei Corvin, Cluj Napoca, Romania, RO



- Collective installation realised in the former church of San Carpoforo, curated by Stefano Pizzi, Nicola Salvatore and Melissa Provezza, on the occasion of the presentation of the book Environmental Art in the Sahara, a project of the Brera Academy, Milan, IT

- Disseminazione - Collettiva, progetti e opere per l'arte sacra, curated by Andrea B. Del Guercio and enriched by the collaboration with Architect Carlo Capponi, Museo Diocesano di Milano, Milan, IT

- Ich Bin Hier - Collective Exhibition, curated by Andrea B. Del Guercio, Fondazione Mudima, Milan, IT


- Castello Caracciolo di Brienza - Collective Exhibition, in collaboration with Memoli Contemporary Art Gallery, Brienza, IT

- One-day-exhibition, Municipality of Valva, IT




2022 - Finalist Featured Artists category, Cramum Award directed by Sabino Maria Frassà.

2020 - 2021 - Finalist Art Rights Prize (first Digital Prize for Artists).




2022 - Ecocentrism Philosphy, Erasmus+ Project, Viggiano, IT

2021 - Artist residency at Palazzo San Gervasio for a public art intervention for the redevelopment of Villa delle Arti, Potenza, IT

2017 - Residency at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cluj Napoca, Romania, RO




2022 - La Caduta, ovvero come cadere in alto, Cramum annual book

2021 - Glances, Blicke. Edited by Marco Casentini, Andrea B. Del Guercio and Dany Vescovi. Published by Baldecchi and Vivaldi

2019 - ArtisticaMente. Edited by Plinio Perilli. Published by Pagine

2019 - https://stream24.ilsole24ore.com/gallery/casa/la-sharing-economy-conquista-arredo-design/AC7fCGL?refresh_ce=1



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